Top 10 Git Commands Every Developer Should Know

Are you a developer looking to improve your Git skills? Look no further! In this article, we'll be discussing the top 10 Git commands that every developer should know. Whether you're new to Git or a seasoned pro, these commands will help you streamline your workflow and become a more efficient developer.

1. git clone

The first command on our list is git clone. This command is used to create a copy of a Git repository on your local machine. It's a great way to get started with a new project or to collaborate with other developers.

To use git clone, simply navigate to the directory where you want to store the repository and run the following command:

git clone <repository-url>

Replace <repository-url> with the URL of the repository you want to clone. Once the command is complete, you'll have a local copy of the repository on your machine.

2. git add

The next command on our list is git add. This command is used to stage changes for commit. When you make changes to a file in your repository, Git doesn't automatically track those changes. You need to tell Git which changes you want to include in your next commit.

To use git add, simply navigate to the directory where your changes are located and run the following command:

git add <file>

Replace <file> with the name of the file you want to stage. You can also use git add . to stage all changes in the current directory.

3. git commit

The third command on our list is git commit. This command is used to save changes to your repository. When you commit changes, you're creating a new version of your code that you can revert to later if necessary.

To use git commit, run the following command:

git commit -m "commit message"

Replace "commit message" with a brief description of the changes you made. It's important to write clear and concise commit messages so that other developers can understand what changes were made.

4. git push

The fourth command on our list is git push. This command is used to upload your changes to a remote repository. When you push changes, you're making them available to other developers who are working on the same project.

To use git push, run the following command:

git push <remote> <branch>

Replace <remote> with the name of the remote repository you want to push to (usually "origin") and <branch> with the name of the branch you want to push to (usually "master").

5. git pull

The fifth command on our list is git pull. This command is used to download changes from a remote repository. When you pull changes, you're updating your local copy of the repository with the latest changes from other developers.

To use git pull, run the following command:

git pull <remote> <branch>

Replace <remote> with the name of the remote repository you want to pull from (usually "origin") and <branch> with the name of the branch you want to pull from (usually "master").

6. git branch

The sixth command on our list is git branch. This command is used to create, list, or delete branches in your repository. Branches are a way to work on different features or versions of your code without affecting the main branch.

To create a new branch, run the following command:

git branch <branch-name>

Replace <branch-name> with the name of the new branch you want to create. To list all branches in your repository, run the following command:

git branch

To delete a branch, run the following command:

git branch -d <branch-name>

Replace <branch-name> with the name of the branch you want to delete.

7. git merge

The seventh command on our list is git merge. This command is used to combine changes from one branch into another. When you merge branches, you're bringing changes from one branch into another so that they can be tested and deployed together.

To use git merge, first navigate to the branch you want to merge changes into and run the following command:

git merge <branch-name>

Replace <branch-name> with the name of the branch you want to merge changes from.

8. git log

The eighth command on our list is git log. This command is used to view the commit history of your repository. When you run git log, you'll see a list of all the commits that have been made to your repository, along with the commit message and the author.

To use git log, simply run the following command:

git log

9. git stash

The ninth command on our list is git stash. This command is used to temporarily save changes that you're not ready to commit. When you stash changes, you're saving them for later so that you can work on something else without losing your progress.

To use git stash, run the following command:

git stash

To apply the changes later, run the following command:

git stash apply

10. git reset

The tenth and final command on our list is git reset. This command is used to undo changes to your repository. When you reset changes, you're removing them from your repository and returning to a previous version of your code.

To use git reset, run the following command:

git reset <commit>

Replace <commit> with the commit hash of the version you want to return to.


And there you have it, the top 10 Git commands every developer should know. By mastering these commands, you'll be able to work more efficiently and collaborate more effectively with other developers. So what are you waiting for? Start practicing these commands today and take your Git skills to the next level!

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