Deploying Code into Azure Using Git

Are you a developer looking for a fast and efficient way to deploy your code into Azure? Have you heard about using Git for deployment but aren't sure where to start? Look no further! In this article, we will explore the benefits of using Git for deployment and guide you through the process of deploying your code into Azure using Git.

Why Use Git for Deployment?

If you're already using Git for version control, using it for deployment has many benefits. First and foremost, Git makes deployment fast and efficient. Instead of manually transferring files or using cumbersome deployment tools, Git allows for seamless code deployment. Additionally, using Git ensures that your deployment history is tracked, allowing for easier troubleshooting and rollbacks if necessary.

Setting Up Your Azure Environment

Before we dive into the deployment process, it's important to have your Azure environment set up properly. Follow these steps to create a new web app in Azure:

  1. Log in to the Azure portal.
  2. Click on "Create a resource" and select "Web App."
  3. Follow the prompts to create your web app, providing a name, subscription, resource group, and other necessary information.

Once your web app is created, you will need to set up your deployment credentials. This will allow Git to push your code directly into your Azure environment. Follow these steps:

  1. In the web app settings, click on "Deployment Center."
  2. Select "GitHub" as the source control.
  3. Follow the prompts to authorize Azure to access your GitHub account.
  4. Choose the repository you want to deploy to Azure.

Congratulations! Your Azure environment is now set up and ready for deployment.

Deploying Your Code Using Git

Now that your Azure environment is set up, it's time to start deploying your code using Git. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Clone your Github repository to your local machine using the following command:

    git clone

  2. Make any necessary changes to your code, commit them, and push them to your Github repository.

    git add .
    git commit -m "commit message"
    git push origin master
  3. In the Azure portal, navigate to your web app and click on "Deployment Center."

  4. Click on "Sync" to synchronize your Github repository with your Azure environment.

  5. Once the synchronization is complete, click on "Deployment options" and select "Github."

  6. Choose your repository and branch, and click "Save."

That's it! Your code is now deployed into Azure using Git.

Additional Tips

When deploying code into Azure using Git, there are a few additional tips to keep in mind:


Deploying code into Azure using Git is fast, efficient, and easy to set up. By setting up your Azure environment properly, following the steps outlined above, and keeping a few additional tips in mind, you can deploy your code with confidence and speed. Happy deploying!

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